Please contact Dr. Koch for PDF copies of the articles below if you do not have electronic access otherwise.
Please also see Dr. Koch's Google Scholar profile.
Newest first. * = co-first author. Koch lab members in red.
G.C. Padron, Z. Modi, M.D. Koch, J.E. Sanfilippo (2024) "Flow rapidly replenishes scarce nutrients to promote bacterial growth". bioRxiv.
A.M. Shuppara, G.C. Padron, A. Sharma, Z. Modi, M.D. Koch, J.E. Sanfilippo (2024) "Fluid flow overcomes antimicrobial resistance by boosting delivery". bioRxiv.
V.L. Taylor, M. Shah, P.H. Patel, A. Yusuf, C.M. Burk, Z. Gitai, A.R. Davidson, M.D. Koch, K.L. Maxwell (2024) "Prophages block cell surface receptors to ensure survival of their viral progeny". bioRxiv.
Independent lab
J. Thongchol, Z. Yu, L. Harb, Y. Lin, M.D. Koch, M. Theodore, U. Narsaria, J.W. Shaevitz, Z. Gitai, Y. Wu, J. Zhang, L. Zeng (2024) "Removal of Pseudomonas Type IV Pili by a Small RNA Virus". Science.
J.S. Palalay, A.N. Simsek, J. Reed, M.D. Koch, B. Sabass, J.E. Sanfilippo (2023) "Shear force enhances adhesion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by counteracting pilus-driven surface departure". PNAS.
G.C. Padron, A.M. Shuppara, A. Sharma, M.D. Koch, J.S. Palalay, J.N. Radin, T.E. Kehl-Fie, J.A. Imlay, J.E. Sanfilippo (2023) "Shear rate sensitizes bacterial pathogens to H2O2 stress". PNAS.
A.N. Simsek*, M.D. Koch*, J.E. Sanfilippo, Z. Gitai, G. Gompper, B. Sabass (2024) "Type-IV pili tune an adhesion-migration trade-off during surface colonization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa". PRX Life.
E. Han, C. Fei, R. Alert, K. Copenhagen, M.D. Koch, N.S. Wingreen, J.W. Shaevitz (2024) "Local polar order controls mechanical stress and triggers layer formation in developing Myxococcus xanthus colonies". Nature Communications (accepted).
B. Wang, A.E. Lin, J. Yuan, M.D. Koch, N.S. Wingreen, B. Adamson, Z. Gitai (2023) "Single-cell massively-parallel multiplexed microbial sequencing (M3-Seq) identifies rare bacterial populations and profiles phage infection". Nature Microbiology.
M.D. Koch and J.W. Shaevitz (2022) "Art Ashkin and the origins of optical trapping and particle manipulation”. Methods in Molecular Biology Vol 2478: Optical Tweezers – Methods and Protocols, 2nd ed.
M.D. Koch, M.E. Black, E. Han, J.W. Shaevitz, Z. Gitai (2022) "Pseudomonas aeruginosa distinguishes surfaces by stiffness using retraction of type IV pili" PNAS
M.D. Koch, C. Fei, N.S. Wingreen, J.W. Shaevitz, and Z. Gitai (2021) "Competitive binding of independent extension and retraction motors explains the quantitative dynamics of type IV pili" PNAS
R.J. Scheffler, Y. Sugimoto, B.P. Bratton, C.K. Ellison, M.D. Koch, M.S. Donia, Z. Gitai (2021) "Pseudomonas aeruginosa detachment from surfaces via a self-made small molecule". Journal of Biological Chemistry
A. Simsek, A. Braeutigam, M.D. Koch, J.W. Shaevitz, Y. Huang, G. Gompper, B. Sabass (2019) "Substrate-rigidity dependent migration of an idealized twitching bacterium". Soft Matter
J.E. Sanfilippo*, A. Lorestani*, M.D. Koch, B.P. Bratton, A. Siryaporn, H.A. Stone, Z. Gitai (2019) "Microfluidic-based transcriptomics reveal force-independent bacterial rheosensing". Nature Microbiology
B. Sabass, M.D. Koch, G. Liu, H.A. Stone, and J.W. Shaevitz (2017) "Force generation by groups of migrating bacteria". PNAS
M.D. Koch and J.W. Shaevitz (2017) "Introduction to Optical Tweezers". Methods in Molecular Biology Vol. 1486: Optical Tweezers – Methods and Protocols, 1st ed.
J. Roth*, M.D. Koch*, and A. Rohrbach (2018) "Dynamics of a protein chain motor driving helical bacteria under stress". Biophysical Journal
M.D. Koch and A. Rohrbach (2018) "Label-free imaging and bending analysis of microtubules by ROCS microscopy and optical trapping". Biophysical Journal
M.D. Koch, N. Schneider, P. Nick, and A. Rohrbach (2017) "Single microtubules and small networks become significantly stiffer on short time-scales upon mechanical stimulation". Scientific Reports
M.D. Koch and A. Rohrbach (2014) "How to calibrate an object-adapted optical trap for force sensing and interferometric shape tracking of asymmetric structures". Optics Express
M.D. Koch, J. Roth, and A. Rohrbach (2014) "Bakterien gefangen im Licht". BIOspektrum (Invited news article)
M.D. Koch and A. Rohrbach (2012) "Object-adapted optical trapping and shape-tracking of energy-switching helical bacteria". Nature Photonics